Ollie’s amazing rehabilitation

Some of our lovely dog walkers will remember Ollie the terrier.
He had some very challenging behavioural issues and needed owners with lots of patience, stamina and dedication to his training.

Luckily, he found them earlier this year.
They came to the Sanctuary several times a week for several months to get to know Ollie and earn his trust. Thanks to them, our brilliant dog staff and our behaviourist, Ollie was re-homed earlier this year. Below is an update from his new family.

Hello All

I have recently booked a session with Ainsley (Active Paws, training and behaviour – www.activepawsfitness.co.uk) – just for my sanity check that I am doing everything OK with Ollie and he is making progress.  After her visit I thought that it would be nice to update you all with some nice pictures of Ollie – our lovely little furry monster (woof woof).
First 3 months were difficult – Ollie was meeting many dogs and people outside and also slowly was being introduced to my family and friends. I also needed to learn how to deal with him in order to make the best progress with him.
We had few dog encounters (dog off lead wanted to bite Ollie) but we survived :).
Until the middle of the July, Ollie fully trusted Mike, my brother and me. He didn’t like other dogs and he always barked at every single dog he met.
But some kind of magic happened during our car trip to Poland. Hooray!  Ollie started being friendly toward almost all dogs. He wants to sniff them, play with them and hang out with them (see attached pictures).
He still has problems with humans (especially men) but he is not as bad as he was.
He is much calmer now and until someone tries to irritate him, he behaves well.
I am so moved inside me, seeing him being a good well behaving dog. I have never thought he will be capable to cope with other dogs.
He met and befriended my best friends two Labradors. They walked and explored local forests and the river bank together.
I hope you are glad that Ollie is making great progress. I always knew his good inner self will prevail his fears and mental scars from his past.
Please find the pictures from his holiday in Poland and Bournemouth
Thanks a lot for giving me this amazing opportunity to bind my life with Ollie! We are the best friends now and forever 🙂
Ps. Every time if someone considering to buy a dog I recommend the adoption option and your sanctuary 🙂
Kind regards
Thanks very much Michal for taking such good care of him. He looks so happy.
…just goes to show that even dogs with severe behavioural difficulties can become great companions, with the right training, support and incredibly passionate owners.