Go Team Tiger Power!

Team Tiger Power are participating in a number of challenges throughout 2017 to raise money for some fantastic charities including The Oxfordshire Animal Sanctuary. Can you help Nathan and Yohann reach their target? They have both put in hours of training and we wish them the best of luck with their upcoming events.

Without your generosity, our animals can’t get the food, veterinary care and support they need to live a happy, healthy life. Your donation helps us provide a refuge for the most vulnerable dogs, cats, rabbits and guinea pigs who have been mistreated, neglected, abandoned or are unwanted.

Sponsor Nathan and Yohann: See giving page here

Take On A Challenge

Thinking about taking on a challenge for charity? Whether you enjoy running, walking, swimming, cycling or pushing yourself through a mud-covered obstacle course, do it for our animals. We would love for you to run for OAS in this year’s upcoming Oxford Half Marathon, 8th October 2017.

Sporting Event Ideas

  • Join a 5k/10k Fun Run (Run or Dye)
  • Runs with your dog (Milton Keynes Dog Jog)
  • Muddy Obstacle Race (Tough Mudder)
  • Oxford Half Marathon
  • London Marathon

Why Fundraise for Us?

The Oxfordshire Animal Sanctuary admits & rehomes over 500 animals every year. Since opening in 1967, we have proudly managed to help over 25,000 animals find their forever home.

At any one time, we have around 60 dogs, 90 cats and kittens plus a number of rabbits and guinea pigs. We also care for our permanent guests of goats, a horse and a little Shetland pony. We were founded to be inclusive, understanding and a place where any animal was welcome.

Many of our animals come to us from difficult backgrounds. Some arrive with acute behavioural needs and some have immediate medical needs. We deal with each case individually and start by earning their trust and understanding their needs.

We hold our ’non-destruction policy’ as a core principle for our work. This means that we will never put a healthy animal down and work to find each one a forever home.

Where this is not possible OAS is their home and our staff and volunteers give them as close to a pet’s life as possible. They are our sponsor animals.

Without your generosity, our animals can’t get the food, veterinary care and support they need to live a happy, healthy life. Your donation helps us provide a refuge for the most vulnerable dogs, cats, rabbits and guinea pigs who have been mistreated, neglected, abandoned or are unwanted.

If you would like to take on a challenge in aid of Oxfordshire’s rescues. Please email fundraise@oascharity.org.uk.